It is important to remember the deceased with prayers petitioning God, in His mercy, to forgive their sins as they undergo the purification necessary for eternal salvation in heaven.
Our prayers for those who have passed remind us that we are not separated from our loved ones but, instead, strengthened through our communion with all of the saints.
In addition to your own personal prayers, Mass intentions, the Sanctuary Candle, and the flowers on the church altar can be offered in memory of your loved one. Masses for the deceased one month after their passing (“Month’s Mind”), on the anniversary of their death, on their birthday, or other days are a special way to offer prayers for those who have died and can be scheduled by calling the parish office at St. Mary 508-384-3373 or St. Martha 508-699-8543.
Each fall a Mass of Remembrance is held at each of our parishes to acknowledge all who have been buried that year. An invitation is sent and announcements are placed in the parish bulletin inviting friends and family to this special remembrance service.
The Church also commemorates all of the faithful departed at the All Souls Day Mass held annually on November 2nd.