Our St. Martha and St. Mary Catholic Collaborative warmly welcomes new members and is eager to assist you as you consider deepening your faith and becoming a Catholic Christian. The decision to become a Catholic is exciting and one that will change your life forever!
Most members of the Roman Catholic Church are baptized into the faith as infants. They grow up in Catholic homes, receive formal religious education and gradually come to share in the full sacramental life of the church. For individuals who were previously baptized in other Christian traditions, becoming a Catholic involves making a solemn profession of faith, receiving Confirmation, and sharing Eucharist with the Catholic community.
For individuals who were not previously baptized, becoming a Catholic occurs through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). The Christian Initiation (or Catechumenate), includes the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. RCIA candidates typically begin the formal learning process in the fall which then prepares them for receiving the sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil Mass in the spring.
Through the Catechumenate process, the Church encourages an ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ and the reign of God he proclaimed. The Catechumenate provides a structure for the proclamation of the gospel, catechesis (passing on the teachings of the Church), public and private prayer, spiritual direction, the observance of the feasts, fasts, Sundays and seasons of the church calendar, direct contact with members of the parish community and the work of the Church for justice and peace.
Through the various rites of the Catechumenate, the church marks a person’s journey to full Catholic membership. These rites reflect his or her spiritual growth and the church community’s loving support, concern, and encouragment.
For more details regarding the RCIA process at either St. Martha Parish or St. Mary Parish, please contact the rectory office at 508-384-3373. Our RCIA coordinator will be happy to talk with you to discuss the process to becoming a Catholic. Welcome to your faith journey!