Hopefully you have noticed the now complete St. Dominic Garden of Reflection, providing a more inviting place for prayer, reflection, and gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. The idea began a few years ago as an Eagle Scout project by William Zeller, a member of our collaborative parishes. He provided a suitable place for this statue from the old Dominican Academy (more recently the Religious of Jesus & Mary Convent), honoring the many years of ministry by the Dominican Sisters in Plainville and at St. Martha Parish, especially in the religious education of our young parishioners. Now, thanks to the parishioners who donated bricks in commemoration of significant events and people in their lives, we have completed the landscaping with a small brick patio with a memorial bench donated for people to rest upon. We are grateful for the leadership in this project by Michelle DeLorenzo, as well as the craftsmanship of Dreamscape Landscape Design and Tribute in Stone for the beautiful bench that was donated by Deborah Henry.
The renovations in St. Martha church are proceeding well and on schedule, with this weekend being the last time we are scheduled to have Masses downstairs in the hall. Because of extraordinary efforts by both contractors, we might even be ready to go upstairs this weekend… but as this bulletin goes to press, it is “too close to call.” Regardless, we will be able to turn over the parish hall to the St. Martha Fair Committee and their helpers by Monday for the final preparations for the November 3-4 Holiday Fair – hope to see you there!
Transformed in Love
We are blessed again this year to have 25 couples who will soon be married in the Catholic church participate in our marriage preparation program Transformed in Love. Some of us remember when it was called Pre-Cana.
Some people wonder why the church requires marriage preparation. One of the beautiful images about Cana and marriage is, as our Lord changed ordinary water into amazing wine, so too does He change a natural marriage, which God Himself instituted, into something amazing by His sharing in the lives of Husband and Wife and their family (Jn:2). In fact, In God’s love story, that is the Bible, marriage is a theme from cover to cover.
In Genesis, Adam and Eve are given to each other in the first natural marriage. “I The LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him” (Gn2:18).
In Isaiah, the Israelite people are the Lord’s delight. “You shall be called my delight and your land Espoused” (Is:62 4b).
Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church His bride: “For the wedding day of the Lamb has come, his bride has made herself ready” (Rv19:7).
Marriage is one of the seven sacraments Jesus instituted. A wedding is only one day, but marriage a life time. The Church wants marriages to succeed and the Transformed in Love workshop is a start in that direction.
We are blessed with a team of married couples and our Priests who present during the workshop. The program explores the natural reality of marriage as a well as the sacrament. It features presentations, witness talks by married couples, group and couple activities, individual reflection, prayer, and a teaching mass. Time is allocated for couples to discuss topics, set goals of their own, and learn skills needed to succeed in marriage.
It’s a lot to fit in about a day and a half; but the hope is it sparks further conversations and continued work together as a couple, and with Jesus, to build a good strong marriage.
Continue to pray for Vocations to the Priesthood, religious life, and Marriage. We need all of them to be plentiful and vibrant in this world!