The darkening afternoons of December are being lighted with color and shining stars on our town green. Homes and hearths, too, are warmed by the brightened by the colors of the Christmas season. Advent has begun, and the church and parish halls are bustling with activity in preparation for the Celebration of God’s Greatest Gift. His Son. Love incarnate.
Packages appearing around the Giving Trees; families lighting the candles on the Advent wreath, the Children’s Choir gracing us with Advent hymns at the 9:30 mass, rehearsing for Lessons and Carols. Gifts coming in to St. Vincent de Paul for our neighbors in need, and food arriving for the local food pantries. Donations for the memorial poinsettias that will adorn our altar at Christmas. Teens breaking bread together and exchanging gifts. Children promoting Christmas with their “Keep Christ in Christmas” posters. Mary’s Journey to Bethlehem is being commemorated in scripture, prayer, and song. People at church greeting one another by name.
All this is happening at the meeting places of your Parish Family. The spirit of Christmas is coming alive at St. Martha and St. Mary.
Come and find a place in this joyful activity! Lend a hand. Share from your bounty or your need. We honor God by serving Him. And we serve Him by honoring his commandments: Love one Another, Keep Holy the Sabbath, Love God above all things. Join with your Family in doing the Father’s will. He is waiting to bestow His graces and blessings on us a hundredfold, at Christmastime and always. The blessing is in sharing the gifts He has given us.
Come do His will together with your faith family in the anticipation, the preparation for the celebration. Share the Love: God’s Greatest Gift; the gift of Himself, embodied by his Son, Our Brother, our Teacher, our Friend, our precious Baby Jesus. Pure Love. Emmanuel.
How will you and your family participate in this joyful preparation this Advent? There are three weeks ‘til Christmas. Make them count and increase your joy at Christmastime.