We often get caught up looking at parts of our lives rather than life as a whole. The very life that the Lord gives to each of us, and in which our parents were blessed to be co-creators with God, is a priceless gift! Life does not always feel like a gift, with the struggles and sufferings we face on many levels, but when we are able to step back and look at life as a whole, we see that the blessings far outweigh the challenges. Sometimes it is very hard to gain that sense of perspective when a particular challenge or set of challenges feels all-consuming, like for Jonah (Jonah 4:1-11). When we are hurting that badly, often we just want the hurting to stop, but some ways of stopping the hurt can make things even worse for ourselves or for others. God is not only patient with us until we regain our sense of perspective, but Jesus is actively reaching out to us – even carrying us (as in the Footprints poem) – and putting people in our lives to help and guide us… if we are open to them.
We strive to be consistent in our support of all human life, and to be there for others as we do.
Two areas that are being brought to our attention this October as we celebrate
Respect Life Month pertain to end of life and to its early stages.
Please take a copy of the “Let Your Voice Be Heard” flyer by the doors of the church for the latest update on the push for Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) in our state. Those seeking this extreme measure may not be aware of the palliative care options available to ease their hurt, including physical, emotional, and spiritual pains. The other topic we are being asked to consider is a
signature drive to provide healthcare for all children born alive (even as part of an abortion). There will be more information and a petition available at most Masses this weekend if you are open to signing it. As always in our PWC parishes,
participation in activities and signature drives is optional, but following our conscience in a consistent support of all human life is not.