Each year on this Fourth Sunday of Easter we hear some reference in the scripture readings to Jesus as the Good Shepherd, so this Sunday came to be known informally as “Shepherd Sunday.” This year we Jesus help us to think of him as the shepherd whose voice we recognize, so we can trust and follow him. Like the disciples headed for Emmaus last Sunday, we often need time to come to recognize Jesus, to learn to hear his voice not only in the Bible but also in our hearts. Attending Mass, reading the Gospels, and talking with other faith-filled Catholics give us opportunities to learn to recognize him. In today’s Gospel, Jesus also identifies as the “gate” to the sheepfold, keeping them together and protecting them from those who would rob us of the peace Christ gives us. Knowing we have a Good Shepherd watching over us, caring for us, and giving us “life…more abundantly” helps us know how much we are loved by God!
Shepherd Sunday is also when we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This Sunday is appropriate since one of the vocations we pray for are those who are being called to ordained priesthood, to be “shepherds after [Christ’s] own heart” in how they serve and guide those entrusted to their care. We pray for those being called to the vocation of marriage, showing the love of the Good Shepherd by how they love each other, children, and all those whose lives their love touches. Those called to live as generous single persons, whether in the world or as religious sisters or brothers, are called in a special way to love broadly those whom they encounter, and in their personal charism or that of their religious order, to build up the Church by prayer and service.
As our children receive their First Communion this weekend and next, may we pray for them to live the song they sing, longing to be sheep who learn the Good Shepherd’s voice. May we help them, by our prayer and example, to be open to the call of His voice for them and for all of us to discern and respond to God’s call for how to live our lives, and to support those who are called to give their lives in any of these vocations in service of the Church.
Prayers for Protection
Thank you to all those who are praying for the spiritual protection of all people throughout greater Boston in light of the satanic conference happening there this weekend. We kept the pledge slips from those who (had a pen with them last weekend and) chose to make a pledge to pray the rosary each day of the conference, and they are placed in a basket by the altar in each parish to represent the prayers of all of us. Let us especially pray for those caught up in such groups because they are hurting, lonely, searching, or desperate and are really looking for God in all the wrong places – may our prayers help them to encounter their true Savior, Jesus Christ. We know the power of Christ’s Resurrection led to many people being set free from the influence of the evil one, and Jesus continues to do so today.