Rejoice— Welcoming Back with our Video Ministry
“Prepare the Way of the Lord,” John the Baptizer reminded us last Sunday. This Gaudete “Rejoice” Sunday, the teachings tell us HOW to prepare the way: share what you have, do not mistreat others or be greedy, be satisfied with your wages. And at PWC, one way we are and expanding this “Highway of the Lord” is with Video Ministries. Online Masses will never equal the in-person experience— the human contact, side by side sharing of worship in word and song, interpersonal greetings, and of course the Sacraments. So we urge you to gather with your Parish Family each week on Sunday whenever safely possible!
Still we rejoice in the fact that we can now prepare new avenues to minister to the sick, the home bound, and those temporarily stuck at home due to snowstorms, or transportation issues.
And most importantly, we hope our live streaming will reach those who have fallen out of the practice of coming to Mass, and inspire them to come back! WE MISS THEM!
Thanks to an extraordinary donation to St. Mary Parish, we have upgraded our sound system for needed voice clarity, and are installing a state of the art two-camera video system! This system will be easier to operate (new volunteers wanted!) and will fill a need the old system did not: viewer feedback was that you missed seeing fellow parishioners, and we are now able to include members of the Parish Family attending Masses in person in our videos.
Don’t worry, though: there will be no surprise close-ups of parishioners in their seats! You may only appear in larger groups or as you come to receive Communion. That said, anyone who wants to avoid the camera altogether can sit in the right wing pews (near the sacristy) where the cameras will not be pointed.
St. Martha Parish also benefits from the donation at her sister parish. The HD-TV camera donated to St. Mary by Wrentham Cable Access last year will now be used to upgrade the online video and audio quality at St. Martha Parish.
Let’s continue to work together in ministering to those who can’t be physically with us.
And, once again, especially during this Season of Advent, ask yourself—Why is attending Mass important to YOU? How can sharing your reason with others to help inspire them to come back to worship in person?
We’re preparing to receive God’s Greatest Gift. Let’s do it together.