All employees and all volunteers who may have contact with children continue to be required to complete Protecting God’s Children (PGC)training. For a limited time, vol-
unteers can meet this requirement through participation in two online trainings: VIRTUS online PGC training and Massachusetts online Mandated Reporter training.
To complete the online PGC training, volunteers should go to
1. Click on “First time registrant”
2. On the next page click on “Begin the registration pro-
3. Select “Boston” from the drop down list of dioceses
4. Complete the registration process
Once registration is complete you will be directed to an online PGC training through VIRTUS. Upon completion of that training, individuals will be directed to a link to an additional online training on mandated reporting in Massachusetts. Both online trainings must be completed to be in compliance with child protection requirements.
Copies of the mandated reporter certificates should be sent to Michelle Gee at [email protected]. It is not necessary to submit a copy of the PGC certificate.
Thank you for all that you do to help keep our children safe.
Anyone with questions can contact Vivian Soper at:
Vivian Soper, LICSW
Director of Pastoral Support and Child Protection
[email protected].