Easter Sunday will be early this year (March 31), so Ash Wednesday is only two weeks away (February 14, of all days)! It is worth taking the time between now and then to plan ahead how we will be open to entering into the powerful season of Lent. From ashes to resurrection, Lent is a time of ongoing conversion or “turning back” to the God who is the source of all life and blessings, and to the Savior who showed the depth of his love for us through his own suffering, death, and resurrection. Jesus invites us to share in His transformation to new life by walking this path of His sacrificial love together, as his disciples. Disciples are learners, apprentices who model their life vocation according to the model of the master-artisan. As disciples we are “doers” even though we are still learning, growing, sharing in His example of sacrificial love, and perfecting our craft of lovingly serving God and our neighbor.
Our ministry schedule for Ash Wednesday, February 14, is being announced this week (see bulletin or website) and like last year, it provides more options for people of both parishes with every service in our collaborative at a different time: two morning Masses, two afternoon prayer services, and two evening Masses. Ashes will be distributed at each of these services. Next week we will announce a schedule for our Lenten events leading up to Holy Week. The highlight of Lenten journey is our collaborative parishes’ Lenten Mission, so save the first few evenings the week of March 18, and we will have more details soon.
I’ll be away for five days vacation and my annual week of retreat, returning on Saturday, February 10. Of course, Fr. Lambert will be available while I am away, with extra help from Fr. Bernie for Masses next weekend. Please pray for me on retreat, and I’ll pray for you!