Across our communities and our country, the number of people being tested is going up. Experts tell us this is a good thing, because if people know they have COVID-19 they are able to notify the people and places they have recently visited. As a result, I have two important notices for you this week.
Fr. Joe in Quarantine for Close Contact, Tests Negative for Virus
I was notified by someone I had “close contact” with on November 15 that they later learned they had Covid at the time. While I have no symptoms of concern for others, I began a precautionary quarantine just in case I caught something. I chose to get tested and received a negative result to this preliminary test, so I am most likely virus-free. However, being exposed to a known-positive case, CDC guidelines say I should maintain my quarantine for 14 days unless I get a second negative after day 8 and remain symptom free. Therefore, Fr. Lambert and Fr. Bernie will be covering all the Masses until my quarantine ends.
As a public figure, I voluntarily share this information with you because I value the trust you place in me, and because I want to be clear in assuring you of a couple of things. (1) Even if I somehow caught the virus, the timing result establish I could not have been contagious last weekend. (2) I have quarantined myself in my two-room suite and taken every precaution to keep Fr. Lambert safe and healthy - we need him! (3) I promise to keep you updated on my status as I wrap up my quarantine. Finally, (4) please do not send Thanksgiving food to me - others have already taken care of that!
Possible Exposure to Covid in Our Churches Recently
Various members of our Parishes have not received the same good news in their test results. While those with symptoms have stayed home, as other churches and institutions have experienced from time to time, we learned of the presence of people who had Covid-19 while they were with us. HIPPA laws prohibit us sharing names and personal health information, but for the services affected, we have notified people on the signup/check-in lists (by email or phone message), and the information is also on our website.
In light of the masking, distancing, and the many other safety protocols we follow, the likelihood of infecting others in the congregation is very low. I have personally consulted with the local Public Health authorities and the Archdiocese of Boston and we have followed their guidance in these matters. Both churches have been properly cleaned, the air has been replaced with fresh air and all surfaces sanitized multiple times. The churches are safe for use and Masses this weekend will all happen as scheduled. This is all highly unusual for us, after many months of not having a known Covid-positive in either church.
In fact, our notifying those in attendance and posting this notice on our website goes above and beyond what the Department of Health requires, since our safety practices ensure that people in the congregation do not have “close contact” with others (per CDC guidelines). We are trying to be transparent with this information for your consideration - even when we believe the risk is very low.
You know that, as shepherd of these collaborative parishes, I have taken the protocols for health and safety here very seriously, as has our whole team of staff and volunteers. If you have questions about how these situations might relate to you personally, I invite you to contact me by email or telephone.
With prayers for your health, and thanksgiving for your being part of our community, Fr. Joe