New Progress in Both Parishes We are very grateful that St. Martha Parish is hosting our church picnic in Plainville this fall! Of course St. Martha has had picnics before, but this is the first time this parish is home to the picnic for both parishes in our Plainville-Wrentham Collaborative. This has been something the Collaborative Pastoral Council has been looking to do for some time now, and this year the time was right. This is the largest social event of the year for our two parishes, so I hope you will join us this year for the
“Picnic in the Park”on Sunday, September 10, 1-4 pm! Come to share the food, meet new parishioners, and enjoy the amenities of Plainville Town Park.
Please buy your tickets soon so we have a sense of how many to provide for. Tickets are available after Masses and online. See the bulletin or visit our website at for details.
St. Mary Parish is very grateful to have not only the new piano but now also an organ!
Thanks to many parishioners whose donations have now covered the cost of the
beautiful Yamaha piano we recently purchased - congratulations! In addition, we are blessed to debut this weekend the
Rogers brand Cambridge 785 Classic Organ! We are grateful to have this donated by Joseph Lorusso, a St. Mary parishioner, whose idea it was to restore the sound of the organ to the church. This is a considerable upgrade from the smaller organs that preceded it at St. Mary, and it will be a blessing particularly at weddings, funerals, and other special liturgies. To accommodate both the piano and the organ in the music area, parishioner
Julian Lesnik reconstructed the floor to provide a larger, level section needed. The flooring was provided at a discount by
Full Care Hardwood Floor, Inc., and adds visual beauty to complement the lovely music of both instruments.
Progress in all of these areas - from communitybuilding socials to the musical arts that serve as an integral part of liturgy lifting our hearts and minds to God - would not be possible without
parishioners like you sharing the blessings God has given each of us. Your contribution of time, talent, and treasure to the parish is what makes our parishes and collaborative thrive! Thank you for what you are already doing to be involved in parish life, and please look for new opportunities (like picnics and music ministry) to experience Jesus’ love for you through these communities of God’s people.