Introducing St. Mary's New Director of Music Ministries
One of the gifts the Lord blessed our collaborative with this Christmas was a new Director of Music Ministries for St. Mary Parish, who starts this weekend! After an extensive search process which we considered over ten applicants, interviewed four and invited three back to play a weekend Mass with us, we are very pleased to announce that we offered the position to Mr. Andrew "A.J." Hoy and he has accepted! A.J. is principally a pianist, but he also sings and plays organ. He is a graduate student in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College with significant music and ministry experience in Ohio where he lived previously. A.J. is engaged to be married this summer, and his fiancé is also a music director! Right now he is very eager to start directing our various music ministries at St. Mary Parish.
At St. Mary liturgies, A.J. will be directing the choir, coordinating other music ministers, and providing accompaniment at most weekend Masses, funerals, and weddings. He also has experience with parishes working together, so he is looking forward to collaborating with the music directors at St. Martha Parish for special liturgies and prayer services.
Our collaborative is blessed every week by all that our choir, cantors and musicians in both parishes do in the important ministry of liturgical music. In a special way, the people of St. Mary Parish, the Pastoral Team and I are very grateful for how they have carried us through the interim between directors; thankfully I'm glad they will once again have the support and leadership they deserve. I am also grateful for those who served on the interview team with me: Sally Winslow (music minister & search chair), Anne Lesnik (choir member & Collaborative Pastoral Council), Mike Toomey (Plan Writing Team & CPC), and Fr. Bill (Associate Pastor). Thanks also to other music ministers who helped us to evaluate the auditions: Jeff Johnson and Cathy Drew. This was truly a team effort!
May 2017 be for all of us a year of many blessings, uplifting sacred music, and ever deepening relationship with Jesus Christ and one another!