A couple of events in our parishes come to mind as we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord this weekend. Since the verb “baptize” literally means “to dip” or “to dunk” (think of baptism by immersion), it begs the question:
into what are we “dunked” when we are baptized?
What does the baptismal water symbolize? Jesus’ own baptism was more for our sake than for his, because it connected the baptismal water with his saving death and resurrection, accomplished by shedding his blood on the cross. So when we are baptized, we go “down” into the tomb (dying to living only for ourselves) and then “rise” out of the water into our new life in Christ! This is why baptism by immersion is a more powerful symbol of what happens in baptism. In a sense, we are dipped in the Blood of Christ, and so we become relatives - members of his family, the Family of God!
Being baptized into a family makes a nice connection with the upcoming consecration of our parish families to the Holy Family, sponsored by both councils of the Knights of Columbus in our parishes. We encourage each household to take home a copy of the prayer of consecration and consider praying it with your family this week. We are all part of natural and spiritual families, so even those living alone are invited to participate and pray for our Parish Families. Next weekend we will celebrate the Consecration to the Holy Family at all parish Masses.
Last weekend, a member of our “extended family” was with us to celebrate the 5pm Mass for our collaborative and speak to our youth who will be Confirmed this May. Fr. Shawn Carey (whose parents are members of St. Mary Parish) shared his personal story about growing up deaf, and his vocation story of responding to God’s call to become a diocesan priest. Both of these stories emphasized how God gave him the strength to face difficult challenges with courage and faith. Fr. Shawn, Director of the Office of Deaf Catholics for our archdiocese, has frequently celebrated Mass at our parishes, especially at Christmas. Earlier last year, though, he was given an additional assignment as Parochial Vicar (associate pastor) at two Braintree parishes as they became a collaborative, which is why he couldn’t be with us this Christmas. We are all grateful for his ministry to both the deaf Catholic community and the hearing Catholic community - two “branches” of our Catholic family tree in the Archdiocese of Boston, and especially glad whenever he has time to come “home” to celebrate with us!
And I am personally grateful for the many ways that you have been family for me, Fr. Bill, and Fr. Bernie, as we live our celibate love in union and service with the parishioners in our Plainville-Wrentham Catholic Collaborative, each baptized in the extended Family of God.