Lent does not make sense by itself. No amount of sacrifices, prayers, or good works can earn our way into heaven. No, Lent only makes sense as a preparation for Holy Week and Easter. Our Lenten journey should keep our focus on the destination of Holy Week so we are more open to the healing, renewal, and new life that comes with Easter and the renewal of our baptismal promises. And wow, do we need some new life this year...!
This week by the grace of God we are “resurrecting” our annual Lenten Mission, in spite of the recent interruptions, as the centerpiece of our Lenten journey in these Collaborative Parishes. Why a Lenten Mission? It is like an oasis in the desert, or the food we eat after fasting. Who wouldn’t want a couple of hours to step back, reflect, and be revitalized? Since we all need to be spiritually fed, all groups and events in both parishes take a break from our regular plans to attend at least one evening of this Mission (or they attend the Mission together, like our CIA youth group). Our collaborative’s mission brings us together regardless of which Mass we attend or which Parish we belong to, to have a shared spiritual experience as we round the midpoint of Lent.
Usually, missions in parishes bring in outside speakers: often a priest or religious sister/brother, a dynamic speaker, or someone able to articulate the spiritual life well. This can be a very helpful approach, and last March we had such a speaker lined up in Sister Regina Dick, a Daughter of St. Paul (the “media nuns”). Even before everything got cancelled, though, Sister Regina encouraged us to incorporate a few parishioners sharing short witness stories to complement her talks. Since so much has changed and been turned on its head since then, our recent discussions with Sister Regina came to the conclusion that this year we would do the opposite: Sister Regina will participate and give one of the talks, but the focus will be on some of our faith-filled parishioners sharing their own witness talks. For more info on the Mission, see our website PWC.church/lenten-opportunities and signup to attend in-person.
Your faith and your sharing your journey with us has helped sustain Fr. Lambert and I through this year, and I know your examples of suffering, healing, and hope will inspire all of us on our Lenten journey toward Holy Week and New Life. See you Monday night! — Fr. Joe