Great Social, Community Building, and Fundraising!
As the bulletin goes to press, the long-awaited return of the St. Martha Parish Fair is looking like it will be another great success! The Fair Committee and key volunteers worked hard to make adjustments to make sure the fair could happen this year, and that people could safely enjoy the familiar sights, tastes, and fun! It is always impressive to see the crafts and seemingly ever bigger raffle baskets — not to mention the constant flow of traffic through the church parking lot both days of the fair! This event brings together many parishioners — whether on the committee to prepare, as volunteers at the event itself, and as donors to the raffle prizes and organizers of the popular "Claire's Corner" goods. There are many St. Mary parishioners who also donated and supported St. Martha by attending the fair. The hard work of many St. Martha parishioners makes possible this very significant fundraiser which is an important initiative to help balance the parish budget, and the whole St. Martha Parish Family is very grateful!
In particular, this successful parish event could not have happened without the dedication of the Fair Committee, led by Liz Molloy, Micheline Woolson, Dianne Moores, and Mary Cushman, along with the all the other volunteers who helped prepare and conduct this two-day extravaganza. Your untiring efforts since summertime to create crafts, recruit corporate sponsors, and coordinate the many people and pieces of this wonderful event! Thanks also to all of our corporate sponsors, whose names were posted at the fair and will be published in a future bulletin.
In closing, we are grateful to the anonymous donor who funded the majority of the renovations of St. Martha Parish Hall during the pandemic. The renovations at St. Martha continue as the exterior painting is wrapping up, new parking lot lighting was installed, and some masonry repairs are about to begin on the front stairs and the chimney on the Sisters Residence. Thanks to your continued support of your parishes, as well as fundraisers like the St. Martha Parish Fair, are what allows us to catch up on deferred maintenance and hopefully make other important improvements. - Fr. Joe