Last Sunday the park in Plainville center was bustling with activity! People from St. Martha & St. Mary Parishes gathered and marveled at the beautiful day as field games and raffles were set up. Teens and adults from our "CIA" Youth Ministry in their green t-shirts set up a display from their recent service mission, and the teens assisted with face painting and other activities. As acoustic music from Copilot filled the air, the smell of burgers and dogs from Pig Pickin BBQ drew people to start a line for the food.
Hundreds of kids, teens, and adults of all ages from both parishes enjoyed the "Picnic in the Park" - this year's theme for our annual shared social event. The theme celebrated the venue chosen for this year: the town park in Plainville center, which provided a playground and open fields as well as the dining pavilion and gazebo for the musicians.
This wonderful event was possible only because of the dedicated preparation and service of
many people (too many to name them all). With the leadership of
cochairs Sally Winslow from St. Martha and Bobbie Oles from St. Mary and the entire
Collaborative Picnic Committee, the faithful support of the
Knights of Columbus Councils in both parishes, the many
teen volunteers from our Youth Ministry, Confirmation program and beyond, and all the other
parishioners who gave of their time and talent.
We are all grateful to homegrown performers Ry McDonald and Maggie Quealey of
pilot for their beautiful music, and the
Town of Plainville for their assistance in making our first picnic in the Plainville Park possible.
Special thanks to all who offered discounts and raffle donations to make this important community-building event affordable for everyone:
Larry and Nancy O’Reilly donated Patriots tickets and a fall yard cleanup prize;
Pig Pickin BBQ donated part of their earnings;
the Knights of Columbus, Plainville & Wrentham Councils, donated the beverages, desserts, and part of their raffle earnings;
Trish Bergevine, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services donated a gift card to
Cheryl Germano, Escada Salon, Walpole donated a hair products basket and a “bling” basket; and the Cataldo Family,
Cataldo’s Hardware, Wrentham, a bird feeder & seed. We are grateful to all of these people, and to all who participated in this experience of Christian community!