Faith Formation Year Begins in a New World Reality
Thankfully, we have a wonderful opportunity to continue a central mission of our parishes in the Faith Formation of our children, youth, and adults. Even last spring when the pandemic hit our area of the world, our faith formation coordinators and volunteers continued reaching out to the active participants in these groups via Email (children & youth) and Zoom (adults).
This weekend our collaborative parishes are celebrating Catechetical Sunday, the start of the new Faith Formation year. The term “Faith Formation” emphasizes that this process is more than just education. In addition to learning, it involves each of us being examples of lived faith for each other, and participation in a personal journey of faith that doesn’t just “know about” God, but invites us to “get to know” God in Jesus Christ. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has chosen the 2020 theme or Catechetical Sunday from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians: “I Received from the Lord what I also Handed on to You,” which also focuses on both the content of our faith and the relationships required to hand it on and support one another.
Our bulletin cover this week celebrates Catechetical Sunday in the context of our “new world realities” of 2020. The artwork depicts several aspects of Faith Formation, including some online learning, in-person experiences, and of course the importance of worship. The caption, “Stay With Us” recalls the plea of the disciples on the way to Emmaus who were intrigued with Jesus and invited him to come stay with them. It also encourages all of us to “stay with” each other in the Church, where we are the Body of Christ whether we are gathered in person or in spirit.
I can’t say enough in praise of our two Directors of Faith Formation (DFF) and all the preparations and hard work they have done and are doing to adapt programs for our present circumstances. From offering a variety of formats (home schooling, remote faith formation, and a “hybrid” blend) to the tedious plans for physical distancing and separating hundreds of crayons into individual baggies, Maggie Hoagland (DFF for Children, gr.1-6) and Fr. Lambert Nieme (Interim DFF for Youth, gr. 7 - Confirma-
tion) has taken on the challenges with enthusiasm and joyfully look forward to seeing our students again. None of this would be possible without the faith and dedication of
our volunteer Catechists (teachers and sharers of faith), from teenagers to empty-nesters to retirees who take a little time to walk this journey with our children and youth.
We will talk more about Adult Faith Formation soon, but right now I ask each of you to please pray for this new Faith Formation year. May those who serve others and those who will be served by our PWC Faith Formation programs be filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit and supported by all of us living and handing on our faith!