Welcome to our Faith Formation Program for Youth in Grades 7-8
Classes begin Sunday, October 25th with the Mass of the Holy Spirit at St. Mary's Church at 12:00 pm and the on-line Zoom class that evening from 7:00-8:00 pm.
We must have your child's Zoom account email in order for them to be placed in a breakout room during the on-line class. Please immediately send this Zoom email with your child's name and grade to: [email protected].
A reminder of the 10/25 Mass & class and the Zoom link for the on-line class will be sent to the parent's email a few days in advance. No direct email communication will occur with the child.
We are excited to share with you the details of our Faith Formation Program for Youth in grades 7-8. With careful consideration of the health and safety mandates pertaining to COVID-19, we have developed a primarily home-based, on-line curriculum that will allow our youth to receive an enjoyable and comprehensive faith-filled experience.
Leadership Team: Fr. Lambert Nieme, Associate Pastor of our collaborative parishes, serves as the Director of our Faith Formation for Youth. As a former professor, Fr. Lambert brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our program. He will be joined by our dedicated catechist teachers who also bring enthusiasm and commitment to the faith formation process. Providing administrative support will be St. Martha parishioner/St. Mary secretary Linda Olsen who can be reached with questions at: [email protected].
Class Dates:
October 25, 12:00 pm Mass of the Holy Spirit at St. Mary Church to open the Middle School Faith Formation year. All students in grades 7-8 and their families are encouraged to attend. Please sign-up that week on our website to register for Mass at: pwc.church.
The first on-line class will begin that October 25th evening from 7:00 -8:00 pm.
In addition to class on 10/25, the remaining classes will be on: Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 28, Mar. 14, and April 11 which includes a closing Mass at 12:00 pm and the last evening class. All on-line classes are from 7:00-8:00 pm.
Technology Requirements for Zoom Class Participation:
Computer or other device with a camera and microphone
Internet access and Zoom "app" installed (visit Zoom.us for more information)
Register for a Zoom account (free), which requires an email address as the username
By Tuesday, October 13, send the Zoom email address along with your child's name and grade to: [email protected] with "Middle School Zoom Account" in the subject line. It is important that we have the email address associated with the Zoom account so your child can participate in the breakout room with their catechist.
The Zoom link for class night, which is also provided below, will be sent a few days before class to the parent's email. The parent should then forward the link to their child so that it can be tested prior to class.