Advent is a short but powerful season with beautiful symbols and imagery. It is a shame it occurs at such a busy time of year, but this is why we need Advent all the more! Need a break between shopping and shuttling around? Be good to yourself and take five or ten minutes, find a quiet place to sit (even in the car or the bathroom if that’s the only quiet place you can find!). Then remember the love that motivated our Heavenly Father to send his Son to share our human nature so He could lift us up from our earthly struggles and limitations. For some guidance, turn in your Bible to the first chapters of Matthew, Luke or John to reflection the coming (advent) of Jesus and ponder why it happened as it did.
If possible, make it a priority to carve out a little time to participate in one of our remaining Advent events to lift your spirit!
This Sunday, in addition to our collaborative’s family day this Sunday at LaSallette Retreat House, we also have a
Children’s Choir Coffee House fundraiser after the 9:30 Mass (starting around 10:45) in St. Mary parish hall, where the children will sing the Advent and Christmas songs they are rehearsing.
Next weekend, for the Third Sunday of Advent, we invite adults and children alike to bring the Baby Jesus from your Crèche or Nativity set for the
traditional Jesu Bambino blessing taking place at all Masses. That same Sunday, December 15, is the precious experience of the Christmas Pageant after the 10:00 am Mass (starting at 11:15) in St. Martha parish church. Finally, we encourage everyone to make the
Sacrament of Confession and Reconciliation part of preparing our hearts for the coming of Christ this Christmas. While we may find it hard to motivate ourselves to go, it is such a joyful feeling coming out of confession guilt -free and reconciled to God! In addition to our
regular weekend hours (Saturday 3-3:45 pm at St. Mary and Sunday 9:15-9:45 am at St. Martha), our collaborative is adding a
weeknight opportunity for individual confessions on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8:00pm (or longer if needed) in St. Mary church.
La Salette Shrine in Attleboro has expanded Reconciliation hours during Advent: every day from 1-5 pm. If you’re going to see the lights anyway, why not go early to beat the traffic and experience God’s reconciling love?
Finally, please plan ahead for when you will participate in
Christmas Mass, whether with the excitement of the exuberant crowds at the first Christmas Eve Masses at 4pm, or the smaller more reflective crowds at 6pm Masses, our collaborative Mass at Midnight, or either Mass Christmas morning. Watch the bulletin and our website for details and locations of each Mass. Looking forward to our final preparations and to celebrating with
you all!