Diaper, Baby Wipe, and Formula Drive
Friends of Adoption and Foster Care (FAFC)
The Friends of Adoption and Foster Care are asking for your help this Spring. They're in need of diapers (in their original packaging) of any size, as well as wipes, baby formula of any kind, and gift cards to purchase these.
The donations will be given to the Department of Children and Families to be distributed to foster families and at-risk families. Inflation and the rising number of children needing foster care has made your help even more essential.
Simply drop off donations in the bin inside St. Mary's or in the box at the rear of the parking lot at St. Mary's in Wrentham. There is also a crate behind St. Martha's in Plainville for your donations. Gift cards can be brought to St. Mary's Rectory office (use mail slot as needed).
FAFC is very grateful for your help!
"…for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these…" Matthew 10:15