Cursillo at The Holy Cross Retreat House in Easton
The three-day course gives the participant practical insights into the everyday life of faith and service. The weekend is a backto-basics experience which often deepens and rounds out what one has learned about Christ earlier in life. The program begins on Thursday evening and concludes on Sunday evening.
The weekend is led by a team of lay volunteers and clergy. They prepare extensively for this three-day course in basic Christianity. As one might expect, there are talks on various religious topics, and each talk is followed by a discussion. Mass is celebrated each day, and there is an opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. Morning and evening prayer, as well as a few devotions, are part of the schedule. Meals are hearty, and there are regular breaks in the schedule.
Men’s Weekend Dates: March 23 - 26, 2017 October 27 - 30, 2017
The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon. For more information please see Deacon Joe Flocco or call St. Mary Parish office at 508-384-3373 to reach Deacon Joe.