This weekend our collaborative parishes celebrate Catechetical Sunday, which marks the start of our new Faith Formation year. We pray for our participants (both youth and adults) who are learning and growing in their faith. We pray also for their catechists, the title of our parish volunteers which means they are not only teachers but also sharers of the faith. Sharing why Jesus and their faith are important to them personally has a witness
value that can be just as powerful as the information they share.
In light of the priorities in the Pastoral Plan for our Plainville-Wrentham Collaborative, the staff on our Faith Formation Team have been going through several changes over the
past year, including two recent changes I am excited to share with you. Just recently we hired
Brian Sousa as our new Coordinator of Faith Formation for Youth (gr.7 – cnfirmation). In a message to his catechists here, he wrote:
Currently I live in Clinton, with my wife Julie and our high-maintenance cat Binxly. So I like to say we live “right up the road,” 11 exits up 495 that is. On Sunday, we will be celebrating our 1st year of marriage! ...I am a native of Hudson, a town known for it's Portuguese population. My parents, grandparents, and the majority of my family immigrated to the States and settled in Hudson in the 1970s. My Portuguese culture and heritage is very important to me, so much that I am fluent in Portuguese and a can cook some good Portuguese food! ... Prior to arriving here at PWC just a week ago, I served in the parish I grew up in for many years, St. Michael in Hudson. 3 1/2 years as the CFF for gr. 6-10. I've held other positions as well- medical interpreter, waiter, chef's assistant, baker's assistant. My faith journey is ongoing, as are all of ours. I am eager to share with you, in person, how I got to where I am today, and I hope I can hear about your story too! Looking forward to beginning this new faith formation year with all of you! - Brian
In this part-time position, Brian will be with us on Sunday evenings and most Mondays and Tuesdays (after his pre-planned 1st anniversary vacation). Please join us in welcoming him!
Last fall we asked Michelle DeLorenzo and Maureen O’Brien to take on some collaborative administrative duties in Faith Formation for Children and for Youth (respectively), and Maureen stepped-up mightily to help continue the FF/Youth
program in the absence of a Coordinator! Their work has allowed Diana Zeller to focus more on coordinating our Plan priority of Faith Formation for Adults. Now, to reflect this broadening of her focus,
Diana Zeller’s title is changed to Lifelong Faith Formation Coordinator. This title reminds us that we all need to continue growing in our faith long after our Confirmation. It also represents the diversity of her ministry as she continues to handle registration and coordination of our adult programs, especially ChristLife.
In summary, these are the leaders on our Faith Formation Team: Maggie Hoagland continues to be our Director of Faith Formation for Children, Brian Sousa now leads our Faith Formation for Youth, Trish Moore continues to lead our High School Youth Ministry, and Diana Zeller coordinates our Adult Faith Formation.
Please pray for our team, and that we all may continue to learn and grow in our faith!