My St. Mary officemate, Renee, and I just moved our oldest children into their respective apartments. Of course, we’re delighted they both secured jobs in their fields of study, are sharing living expenses with friends, and are close enough should they be in need of a home-cooked meal or free laundry service; but still, we are a bit (ok, quite) sad. Their departures represent a forever change to our family lives.
My daughter’s move means I will not see her beautiful face each day, won’t be able to offer my shoulder after a tough day at work, and won’t always know that she is safe. I don’t like losing control over the care of someone I love so deeply and will miss so dearly. My typical response to change is to resist it. Unfortunately, this approach does nothing to stop the course of events, and instead leads to anxiety, depression, worry and fear.
I appreciate that adjusting to Olivia’s move in no way compares to that of my friends sending children for duty overseas and those with a forever void having sent a child to heaven. But indeed, birth, death, beginnings, and endings are all part of the changes we experience in life, and each comes with its unique set of emotions.
As I face this time of letting go, I am comforted in knowing that God has my daughter under his protective watch. I am reminded in Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go”.
Although change is sometimes frightening and difficult, it is a natural part of the ebb and flow of life and we can always count on God’s love and care to get us through it all. As written in Hebrews 13:5 “I will never forsake you or abandon you”. When faced with the turbulences of life, I have often found that my prayers and relationship with God actually grows stronger during that storm. By trusting in God’s goodness, He can use the new situation to mold and shape things for my ultimate benefit.
Although it’s hard not to focus on what’s missing since my daughter left the roost, I can give gratitude that she is happy, working, and forging her path as an independent young woman. God’s love and protection will keep her safe, so I don’t have to worry. Instead, I can look forward to her next trip home, start planning early for the holidays when our family will all be together again, and come up with creative ideas for her vacant bedroom space!