May and June has been months of celebration in our Plainville-Wrentham Catholic Collaborative, and now we begin the transition into summertime. Thanks to our Faith Formation team of staff and catechists, we had very beautiful First Communions and Confirmation Masses this spring. This month we had a wonderful Silver Jubilee celebration for both parishes - thanks again for all the wonderful ways you celebrated this anniversary of my ordination as a priest for our archdiocese. Next weekend of course leads into our national celebration of Independence Day.
Now, let’s allow the coming summer heat to be a healthy reminder for us all to slow down and take a break at times from our regular, often hectic schedule. God wants us to! He gave us the commandment to honor the Lord’s Day as a day of rest, rooted in the story of Creation. Especially if we tend to slip in honoring this weekly respite, may we make it a priority this summer to take time for reflection and re-creation. Our lives are valuable not just because of what we accomplish, but because we are created by God in love. Let's spend time appreciating this love in our lives and in all the relationships with which God blesses us!
Slowing down and reflecting also helps us to step back to see the big picture in our lives and look to where we are heading. Like a family who looks forward to vacation plans is able to prepare accordingly, our collaborative parishes are looking at what we need to get in place in order to take the next steps forward as communities of Jesus’ disciples. Please remember that our Faith Formation Registration month is more than half over, so please be sure to register your children and youth for the coming year by the end of June. Our PWC leadership teams are planning events for the summer and fall, like the Concert in the Park on Sunday, July 17 at 2pm. As we process the results of our PWC Survey of Catholics in our area to guide our planning, we are closing out one fiscal year and setting budgets for the new one, working on ways strengthen our financial health. We are looking at not only finances but other resources, like our properties and the time and talents of our parishioners which are so valuable to our families of faith! Please take some of your reflection time this summer to think about your level of involvement in your faith and parish life, and where God might be leading you…