Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowls
We encounter Jesus this week in Jerusalem, a community he knew well. We prayerfully enter our own communities too, encountering those who are hungry and thirsty, those who need our help.
Rice bowls may be returned on Easter Sunday.
Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowls
Join our faith community and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States in a life changing Lenten journey of encounter with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl from each door of the church. During the 40 days of Lent, as companions on the journey, we will encounter our neighbors. We encounter Cesia in Nicaragua, where, despite a lack of economic opportunity, young people pursue their dreams by building businesses to better their lives. How can you work to improve the lives of others this Lent? How can you help those worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunity?