Your monetary donations to St. Martha and St. Mary Parishes may be tax deductible. The contributions you provide using our church issued envelopes or through the On-Line Giving Program are recorded within our parish database and can be made available as an endof-year report for tax purposes.
All donations made using the church issued envelope system are tracked, including offertory, building fund, special collections, grand annual appeal and churchsupported requests. Payments for religious education programs are not considered charitable contributions.
Checks or cash placed in the collection basket without being in your church issued contribution envelopes are not tracked.
If you would like to receive free parish-issued envelopes to allow tracking of your church contributions or if you would like to receive your end-of-year summary contribution report, please contact your parish office (St. Mary: 508-384-3373 or [email protected]; St. Martha: 508-699-8543 or [email protected]).
Information on how to participate in the On-Line Giving Program can be found on our website at
Thank you for your generosity throughout the year to support our parishes!