Friends of Adoption and Foster Care's
Annual Backpack Drive
Thru September
Help us fill backpacks and donate them to the Arlington and Whitinsville offices of the Department of Children and Families. These backpacks will be distributed to the social workers for children entering foster care with next to nothing of their own. Backpacks will be used during the Fall and Winter months.
These are the items we need:
new backpacks new pajamas (size 4-16) toiletries small stuffed animals (new), school supplies (new): notebooks, folders, binders, Crayons, markers, dry erase markers, highlighters, glue sticks, scissors, art supplies paint sets, drawing/painting paper small toys (new); Books coloring (new), reading (gently used), and new puzzle books
Donations can be dropped off in the FAFC bin in the back of the St. Mary's parking lot or in the bin in the church. You can also drop them off in the black and yellow bin outside the back entrance to St. Martha's church.