This week a special Grand Annual letter from Fr. Mozer will be mailed to all registered parishioners. Included will be a card to assist in making your annual gift. You may mail it back to the parish office or place it in the collection at Mass on the weekend of October 20 & 21. Additional cards will be available next weekend.
Will you consider "taking a step?"
Each year we hold our Grand Annual collection to support our life together. Unlike the Catholic Appeal or Cardinal's collection, this campaign is about supporting our local parish. While the Parish Offertory supports much of our regular operating budget, the Grand Annual helps with important maintenance and special activities that keep our parish vibrant and focused on our mission and ministries.
This year we are inviting you to "take a step" in your support by increasing your gift to our Grand Annual collection. If we each take a small step we can accomplish much. A gift of any amount will make a difference and is greatly appreciated.
We truly appreciate any assistance you can give, understanding that some households face financial difficulties. We are counting on the many, who are able, to generously support our 2018 Grand Annual Appeal.