First Friday/First Saturday Adoration First Friday/First Saturday Adoration is the First Friday and First Saturday of each month held at the church. The hours are Friday 8:30 AM— 6:15 PM. Saturday will start after the 9:00am Mass and end at 3:00pm. Adorers are always welcomed.
If you would like to commit to a specific hour please call Charlene Harrison (508) 695-2792
Mary's Prayer Group
This group is open to all! Meetings are usually on every other Tuesday night during Lent at 7:30 pm at St Mary. We meet in Mary's Garden weather permitting or in the church.
After the opening prayer, a Gospel reading is read aloud, and attendees share (if they wish) how the reading impacts them. We then offer intentions for our prayers, and pray the rosary.
We hope you can join us!!
Come early to weekday Mass and participate
in praying the rosary.
All are welcome!
Daily Mass
Click for the schedule
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be offered every Friday during Lent,
beginning February 16th, at 4:00 pm at St. Mary
Stations & Soup
The Sunday Experience Team is hosting a Meatless Soup Dinner
after the Friday, February 23rd Stations of the Cross in the hall at St Mary.
Bring a friend to walk the road to the Cross with Christ, and bring your appetites too!
The Light is on for You
Come lay your burdens down and experience the healing mercy of Jesus in the sacrament of Confession & Reconciliation, every Tuesday during Lent from 7:00-8:00 pm at St Mary.
Regular weekend confession days and times will still be offered.
Mission 2024
Join us for this year’s Lenten Mission March 18th, 19th and 20th from 7:00-8:00pm. Father Paul Desmarais will join us as we focus on healing and obstacles to healing in our lives.
Were you There?
Lenten Fasting & Abstinence
Lenten Fasting & Abstinence
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast (those 18-59; one full meal or two smaller meals) and abstinence (those 14+; fast from meat), precluding those with health concerns. Fridays of Lent are also days of abstinence.
Alms Giving
Baby Bottles for Lent
St. Martha Lenten Baby Bottles On Ash Wednesday and for the first Sunday of Lent, baby bottles will be offered to anyone who wishes to contribute their Lenten sacrificial offerings to help babies and mothers in crisis. Any change you save when giving up snacks and treats will help the Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center to offer services and support to expectant mothers. Please keep the bottles throughout Lent and return them by Good Friday.
Thank you for both your prayerful and financial support.
Catholic Relief Services
Rice Bowls
Join our faith community—and more than12,000 Catholic communities across the U.S.
—in a life-changing Lenten journey. During the 40 days of Lent, we will reflect on how
hunger and malnutrition affect our human family, and on the need to take action to help
those most in need.
Please pickup your Rice Bowl by the Church entrances today!
Volunteer at the Food Pantries
Living Bread Food Pantry
The food pantry located at the Methodist church in Plainville could really use your help. Due to the pandemic there are more families in need . The pantry is open Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm!
The Wrentham Food Pantry
The Wrentham Food Pantry is located at the Congregational Church
The Food Pantry can be contacted at (508) 384-3110, or by e-mail at [email protected]
Thank you!